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Exclusive BJU Press Representative in Korea.
BJU Press의 모든 한국 업무를 독점적으로 진행합니다.

​미국의 대표적인 기독교 교과서 출판사인 BJU Press의

한국내 업무를 책임지고 있는 BJU Press Korea(회사명:씨드에듀)입니다.

BJU Press에서 만들어지는 모든 교과서와 온라인 서비스를

한국에서도 동일한 조건으로 이용할 수 있습니다.

학교의 크기와 형태에 따라 다양한 커리큘럼을 구성할 수 있습니다.

Kinder부터 G12까지의 전 과정의 교과서 및 온라인 수업을 이용할 수 있습니다,

수준높은 미국 교과서를 이용한 영어 교육이 가능합니다.​


We have established Seed Edu in South Korea to plant the kingdom of God into the hearts of our children, like the little mustard of this generation, So that the next generation will fulfill God's great dream and vision through their lives. 

In order for the glory of God to be revealed through our children's lives, from childhood, our children must understand the kingdom of God and realize the secrets contained in it, and eventually grow into a big tree. It is our mission to nurture our children, such as seeds, by the word of God to grow into large trees. 


Our Vision: To empower Christian educators to have an impact on the world for Christ.

Our Mission: To produce Christian educational materials with academic excellence from a biblical worldview.

Because of our commitment to Christian education, BJU Press produces textbooks and materials that support Christian educators in the crucial role they play in teaching students. We shape each textbook according to our core values.

- BJU Press


1.  Seed Edu contacts and explains BJU Press textbooks and video lessons to Korean Christian Schools.

2.  Seed Edu trains/assists schools to place their BJU Press orders online.


3.  Seed Edu trains/assists schools to contact BJU Press International Accounts.


4.  Seed Edu provide coaching/training for schools and teachers to use the BJU Press materials.


BJU Press is preparing special offers for Christian schools.


If you are not yet a member of BJU Press, please fill out the application form linked below.

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